FESCO Virtual Training

How to Participate in FESCO Virtual Training


Register for the training: Submit the course registration form by 20 days before the class.

Send the Roster with participants' email addresses by 2 weeks before the class.               

FESCO will send directly to the participants' email addresses, an invitation URL link, class materials, online examination forms, Meeting ID, and Password to enter the virtual classroom for the actual class by 1 week before the class.                       

④ Click the invitation URL by 10 minutes before the class starts.
The virtual classroom will open once the participants click it.
Please type the meeting ID and the password when the application requires them.                                                                                                                                   


※ Once you receive the invitation URL link, please conduct a connectivity test by clicking the URL link and confirm that you can enter the virtual classroom.  If you have any problems, questions or concerns, please contact us.

The participants can participate in FESCO's virtual training using a desktop PC, laptop, iPad, or smartphone. Participants who use an iPad or smartphone must download the free virtual meeting platform's application (MS Teams, Zoom, or WebEx) before the class.                           

The basic functions are the same for MS Teams, Zoom, or WebEx.

FESCO highly recommends participants to take the virtual training from their residence since some US Military units will not accept the use of certain virtual platforms from on-base. If you cannot access the virtual classroom using your work (or military) email address, you can forward the URL link to your personal email address, and access the virtual classroom using your personal smartphone, iPad, laptop, or desktop PC. 

 In order to be able to communicate with the instructor during the virtual class, please prepare with your computer a web camera, microphone and speakers (or headset with earphones and a microphone). When using a Bluetooth headset, please confirm that it is connected to your PC, iPad, or smartphone before entering the virtual classroom. 

FESCO will send the digital PDF completion certificates once we receive the participants' trainee evaluation forms and the sign-in sheets after the class.       

※ Disclosure: Training courses conducted via the virtual platform are recorded by FESCO for quality assurance and internal training purposes.  FESCO does not allow for a distribution of recorded classes outside of FESCO.

If you have any requests or questions, please feel free to contact us.                                                                                                  

① 講習への参加を申し込む: 講習日の20日前までに申込書をご提出ください。

② 講習の2週間前までに参加者の氏名と講習当日に確認できるメールアドレスを提出。







※ 接続テストをご希望の方は弊社までご連絡下さい。

※ デスクトップパソコン、ノートパソコン、iPad等のタブレットやスマートフォンがあれば、弊社のオンライン講習に参加可能です。タブレットやスマートフォンをご利用の場合は事前に使用するアプリ(MS Teams、Zoomまたは WebEx)をダウンロード(無料)する必要があります。

 MS Teams、ZoomWebEx のいずれを使用しても、基本的な機能は同じです。                      

※ 米軍基地内ではオンラインプラットフォームへのアクセスが困難な場合がありますので、ご自宅からの受講をお勧めいたします。             

※ オンライン講習中は、講師とコミュニケーションがとれるよう、ウェブカメラ、マイク、スピーカー(もしくはイヤホンとマイクが一体化されたヘッドセット)をご準備ください。Bluetoothのヘッドセットを使用する場合は、講習に参加する前に接続状況を確認してからご参加ください。

Trainee Evaluation FormSign-in Sheetをご提出後、弊社より証書のPDFデータをお送りします。 


TEL: 098-898-4061 
FAX: 098-898-2693 
Email: environmental@fescogroup.net